Raising my first Butterflies
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[Above: one of the shots of real butterflies we were able to use in FIFTY/FIFTY] |
When we were
preparing to shoot FIFTY/FIFTY (our entry into the Sci-Fi London 48hr Film
Challenge), producer Owen Tooth had the brilliant suggestion of including
footage of real butterflies and moths. It was his way of tying together all of
the film’s insect themes, within a primarily sci-fi concept. After a bit of a search, we were able to
find a Leeds-based wildlife centre who’d kindly let us film there – and,
because the challenge rules meant that none of our footage could be captured in
advance, we sent a 2nd Unit Camera Operator (Solomon Rumney-Scriven)
to grab our butterfly shots. This was at the start of day two, when the core
team was filming the majority of the van-driving shots with Charlie Clarke –
but I’ll talk more about that in another blog post.
Through some
Indiana Jones-type camera moves (it turns out that butterflies are very fast
and hard to film – who knew?), Solomon was able to get enough footage for us to
use in our film. In fact, he got so many beautiful shots that we weren’t able to
include them all in our competition-set running time of five minutes. One of
the great things about creating an extended cut of the film is that we can
re-visit the footage from the wildlife centre, and hopefully include more.
We’re in the process of working on that extended cut now (re-named
‘Lepidopterist’, the film’s original working title), and I’ll share updates on
our process when I can.
Working on
FIFTY/FIFTY, and looking at the butterfly footage in particular, woke something
inside of me which had been asleep for a long time. You see, when I was a kid,
I either wanted to be an actress or a zoologist, and I was obsessed with
insects. I went out into the garden with a magnifying glass, brought ladybirds
back in jam jars, and even had a spider-themed birthday party one year.
Although my career aspirations changed over the years, I’m still fascinated by
insects and their supernatural abilities – so much of which fed into Sarah Lamesch’s character ‘Talia’ in FIFTY/FIFTY.
With my love of
insects (and entomology in particular) rediscovered, I resolved to explore this
further, starting with live butterfly collection. I decided to raise
caterpillars, study them and photograph them – tying together my childhood obsession
and my modern love of cameras – before setting them free. This summer, three
months after shooting FIFTY/FIFTY, I made it happen. So how did I get on?
First up, although
I know people who had successfully raised Luna Moths (which are stunning and
huge), I wanted to start small and figure out the basics – so I got a Butterfly starter kit from Insect Lore. It was colourful and cartoonish, with photographs of
smiling children on every page of the instruction book, but looking past that,
it gave me everything I needed on a novice level. I also learnt, fairly early
on, that raising insects is not just child’s play; you definitely need an adult
involved, and I even had to get my partner, Edward Harvey, to help me a few
times! But we’ll come on to that.
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[Above: the caterpillars were tiny on arrival, and they didn't move much, apart from one explorer!] |
Step one was the
caterpillars. I ordered a cup of them through the post (which is as cute as
it sounds), and they come with all the food they need – so, as long as you’re
in to accept the delivery, you don’t really have to do anything else at this stage. I
had five caterpillars, which is the maximum you can expect to receive, and all of which were the
Painted Lady variety. The caterpillars were so tiny to begin with that they
didn’t show up well on any of my lenses. I was also limited with lighting options,
because I didn’t want to distress the caterpillars (otherwise you might not
get butterflies, so what’s the point?). So the cup of caterpillars just sat in
my office undisturbed for a few days, although it was nice to occasionally look
up from my edits and see them wiggling around.
The caterpillars
grew very, very quickly. It wasn’t long before they had obvious facial features and
markings, and I could even hear them making chewing noises. At that point I
learnt that I still didn’t have a lens which could focus on them properly, even when they were fully grown. I really should’ve invested in a proper macro lens
before starting this experiment. But lesson learnt, I accepted that this was a
trial venture, and just focused on raising the butterflies themselves.
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[Above: the caterpillars didn't stay tiny for very long!] |
The difficult part
came when the caterpillars turned to chrysalides. Once all five had finished creating their cocoons (I
thought one had accidentally strangled himself in the process, but it turned
out that that was just his shedded skin!), it was time to take them out of the
cup, and transport them to the butterfly habitat that came with the child’s starter
kit. This part of the process is HORRIBLE! I definitely had to get Edward
involved at this point, for moral support if nothing else.
You see, you need to
remove all the sticky ‘webbing’ from around the chrysalides before you put them
in the habitat, otherwise the butterflies can get tangled when they emerge –
but not only do you run the risk of pulling the wrong silky strand of webbing,
in which case a chrysalide might fall off the lid and die, but it turns out
that the caterpillars DO NOT like this process. I thought they’d be silent in
their cocoons: they were not. As soon as you start pulling on the webbing,
they shake and chatter and tap loudly against the lid like a bunch of very angry
rattlesnakes! One chrysalide did slip down, we barely caught her in time, and
she did her rattlesnake impression late into the night. All five chrysalides
were safely moved in the end, but Edward and I needed a strong drink
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[Above: crysalides in the habitat, after a slightly traumatic moving operation!] |
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[Above: the first butterfly to emerge, which was female] |
For a couple of
days, this poor butterfly was on its own. We fed it fresh fruit days (scored
with a fork so that the juice was more accessible), but we were about to give
up on the others and set her free. That night, two more appeared – followed by
the other two the following morning. I didn’t see any more butterflies emerge (the last one
even came out in the three minutes it took me to pop to the bathroom!), but
nonetheless, it was great to have five healthy butterflies flying around
together. I got as many photographs as I could, but I knew that, if I had a
proper macro lens, I really could’ve caught the detail on their wings and
faces, or the fur on their abdomens, and that was frustrating. The habitat was also quite hard to shoot through - but I don't know if there's a solution to that. I'll have to do more research.
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[Above: a group of butterflies, hanging out together inside their enclosure] |
All in all, it was
a lovely experiment – and it’s great that we were able to contribute to
the eco system in the process. There was an article in the news the day after
the butterflies’ release, which talked about a sudden influx of Painted Ladies
in the UK; although obviously our small batch doesn’t count as an ‘influx’, it's still lovely to think that our butterflies were a part of those rising
numbers. Many people don’t know that butterflies (as with all insect life
coming into contact with pesticides) are on the decline, and we need to do
everything we can to stop that from happening. Who wants a future where you’ll
sit in your garden on a Summer afternoon, and you won’t see any butterflies or bees
dancing around you?
Although I don’t
have much time for hobbies these days, I definitely want to raise and
photograph butterflies again. I’ll probably use the same ‘starter’ kit
again next year (but with a much better lens!) before building my way up to
more exotic and complicated breeds, and I’ll be sure to share any good images via
my Instagram account along the way.
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[Above: one of the late-hatching butterflies kindly posed for me on some fruit] |
I hope you’ve all
enjoyed reading a slightly different blog post from me. Most years I’ve
released a Summer Update, to talk about my work at the mid-point of the year,
as well as sharing news of what’s yet to come. Well, I’ve actually been so busy
this year that this is my first blog post since June, and it’s now the start of Autumn! I’ll have to do an extended end-of-year update instead (apologies in
advance for how long that post will be!), and I’ll try my best to post more
regularly in the meantime.
The extended cut of
Lepidopterist should hopefully be finished and released to festivals in early
2020. But for now, for those of you who haven’t seen it, you can enjoy the
original cut, FIFTY/FIFTY (including Solomon’s awesome butterfly shots),
on Vimeo and YouTube now.
And if any of this has inspired you to help protect butterflies and moths, please consider visiting and/or donating to The Butterfly Conservation.
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